Devyn Giovengo (also known as Gio) is an entrepreneur and creative director focusing mainly in fashion and digital art. Digital art expands from graphic design, fashion design, video editing (music videos mainly), etc. Gio's first experience with running a business dates back to middle school.

Thiel Wrestling Social Media Internship (August 2022-December 2022)
I spent a ton of time my final semester in college with the wrestling team but from a different perspective. My goal with my internship was to get my talented team more recognition and high quality content to showcase their handwork.
In the short amount of time I spent working with the team I helped our social media accounts reach over 330,000 different social media accounts. To put this into perspective... In 2021, Thiel College had less than 800 students. I was also working with the wrestling team keep in mind! As wrestling is growing to be more and more popular day-by-day, it is still not nearly as popular as football, baseball, basketball, etc.